Saturday, November 22, 2008

Appointment with Dr. Hicks, Urologist

We had an appointment with Landon's Urologist on Friday. He has a pretty cool office for kids. In the waiting room was all kinds of jungle animals on the walls. Landon really liked it. In the exam room was clouds and airplanes. They only time he had a fit was when he had to stand on the scales by himself to be weighed. Luckily, they did not stick him or anything, so hopefully he will not always be terrified of doctors offices!
So...Dr Hicks said he has VUR (reflux) as I previously mentioned. He did not feel he has "post urethral(?) valves" as mentioned to me while in the hospital. As he was showing me the x-ray pictures taken during the VCUG (the test where they put dye in the bladder), he was referring to the urethra which is the tube by which the urine leaves the bladder. So I still don't know exactly what that is, except that Landon does not have that particular problem.
He wants to monitor him and see if he will grow out of it. He will keep him on antibiotics 3x day for 2 weeks and then once daily until further notice to help prevent infection. They mention this in most material I have read on VUR. If he ends up with another infection, he said he would probably do surgery. We go see Dr. Hicks every 3 months and they do tests periodically to see if the reflux is getting better.
I plan to call him next week as I have a few more questions. He'll probably think I'm "psyco-mom", but who cares!! Who wouldn't be concerned about a sweet little boy who gives "sugar" to his toy lizard!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Update on Landon

Here's some more pictures from the hospital.

We got to come home last night (Wednesday). It was about 8:30 when we got home but at least we were home! Below is a picture of Landon loving on his puppy while drinking his milk before bedtime.

Landon is still feeling better. He was excited to get to play with his toys has been a week and a half since he felt like playing. He had the VCUG done and we did not get an offical report but it seems he has kidney reflux, grade 5 (the highest) which is supposedly caused by an insufficient valve mechanism located at the top of the bladder (where the ureters connect to the bladder from the kidneys). Best I can tell by internet research, this is called Primary VUR. I don't want to say too much because I'm not sure I know completely what I'm talking about. We are scheduled to see the urologist tomorrow and I will get more details.

We appreciate all the calls and requests of concern for Landon. Please continue to keep him in your prayers!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Landon's good moments


Landon started having virus-like symptoms last Monday. We thought it was the "stomach virus" that is going around. By Thursday, he seemed to getting better but still having fever/vomiting on and off. After a shot of strong antibiotics and some lab tests he did not show any change. So on Friday, the doctor admitted him to Huntsville Hospital to monitor and run tests. Several things have been ruled out but they are still not completely sure because he is still having fevers. Right now they are treating him for Kidney infection but don't really know what would be going on to cause that. The doctors main goal now is to keep the fever from returning and then investigate the cause.
I know there is alot of people praying for Landon. THANK YOU!! Please spread the word and continue.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Vacation Pictures--October 2008

Finally got some vacation pics on here!! While trying to put this together, I realized I didn't really take that many pictures on vacation...I don't know what happened with that! Maybe if I can get some from my other family I may post more later.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from two pirates!

We found some other characters along the way...

Carter the Cowboy

Lilah the Indian (The Cowboy's sister)

Jaley the Fairy, Jaden the Dragon and Jarrett the Dinosaur

Max the Storm Trooper

Miss Maggie Mouse