So...Dr Hicks said he has VUR (reflux) as I previously mentioned. He did not feel he has "post urethral(?) valves" as mentioned to me while in the hospital. As he was showing me the x-ray pictures taken during the VCUG (the test where they put dye in the bladder), he was referring to the urethra which is the tube by which the urine leaves the bladder. So I still don't know exactly what that is, except that Landon does not have that particular problem.
He wants to monitor him and see if he will grow out of it. He will keep him on antibiotics 3x day for 2 weeks and then once daily until further notice to help prevent infection. They mention this in most material I have read on VUR. If he ends up with another infection, he said he would probably do surgery. We go see Dr. Hicks every 3 months and they do tests periodically to see if the reflux is getting better.
I plan to call him next week as I have a few more questions. He'll probably think I'm "psyco-mom", but who cares!! Who wouldn't be concerned about a sweet little boy who gives "sugar" to his toy lizard!